No agreement on the correct number of sets and repetitions should do to stimulate muscle growth. A certain amount schools bodybuilding and series of exercises in one set, with repetitions to failure, while others recommend traditional three sets of eight to ten repetitions in each series and others who defend the position of five or more sets with variable number of repetitions.
For the correct number of sets and repetitions you must first define the objectives, if you want to lose weight, build muscle mass dedicate, or cut and define muscles of the competition. In general, the lower the number of repetitions and more weight causes the activation of muscle fibers that cause an increase, while the high number of repetitions and less weight is ideal for the sharpening of muscles already made. You can consider the following routines;
Routine 1
• sets: 3-5
• Repeat: 8-12
• Weight: moderate to high
• Result: muscle growth
This routine should be supplemented with a diet high in calories; In other words, you have to eat more calories than you consume, so when the muscle fibers, to find the energy to do this are replaced. Protein intake should be at least 2 g per kilogram or possibly three
Read More About Muscle BuildingRoutine 2
• September: 4-6
• Repeat: 12-15
• Weight: Moderate to low
• Result: The muscle definition / weight loss
To lose weight and muscle score, there is nothing better to accompany this routine with a diet low in calories; eat fewer calories than you eat, but be careful not to fall into malnutrition, thus become thin and the muscles are more visible. You must be careful that gradual weight loss as losing weight too fast can be harmful to your health. Eating protein should continue, but can be reduced to two or one gram per kilogram. It is important to combine aerobic training routine.
Routine 3
• sets: 5-8
• Repetitions: 15-20
• Weight: Low
• Result: Lotion / weight loss
This program is particularly suitable for those who want to tone the muscle fibers without growth. Normal diet should be low in fat and moderate in carbohydrates, so you have enough energy to perform. It is also advisable to add this aerobics routine.
Routine 4
• Set: 1-3
• Repetitions: 4-6
• Weight: large to very large
• Result: Increased power
This program should be carried out very carefully, because the control of overweight can lead to injuries. It is recommended to increase your strength and prepare for hard work in the construction phase of muscle. Training should be supplemented with a diet high in calories; if you do not consume enough energy, you may not have the necessary reserves to meet this demanding routine.